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We are all capable of making plans. The future appears to be unwritten, and we can shape it whatever we wish. Of course, we are aware that we cannot control everything. Thus, simply planning is insufficient.

Strong focus

It is not useful to keep rewriting a plan during the execution phase of a project. Moreover, determination if your plan is still current is difficult. Therefore, Pointer focuses on weekly reporting, so both of the above become unnecessary.

The founder of the Best Value Approach, Dr. Dean Kashiwaghi, emphasized during the Best Value Conference in Phoenix, January 2018, what the value of weekly reporting risks is.

Weekly reporting

The client is only notified by the weekly risk report if there is a deviation in time, money, or quality. Only a temporal deviation is allowed when the divergence is on the critical path. Only if the money and quality deviations are outside of the agreed-upon scope will they be disclosed.

Create peace

To prevent people from performing traditional behaviour, clear metrics are important. To only communicate about relevant deviations creates peace in projects.

Always overview

Even projects that are not executed according the Best-Value method can use weekly risk reporting. By using this simple tool, overview is created for ongoing projects. This applies to both the client and the contractor!

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